Russia And The West Are Engaged In Political Choreography Over Ukraine’s Use Of Long-Range Weapons

Voice of East: Russia And The West Are Engaged In Political Choreography Over Ukraine’s Use Of Long-Range Weapons By Andrew Korybko Rarely is everything as clear-cut as it seems. Putin warned last week that letting Ukraine use Western long-range weapons to strike deep inside of Russia... Read More › - Voice of East
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Election 2024: Cats, Childlessness, And The Politics Of Subtraction

Thomas Knapp: “We’re effectively run in this country,” J.D. Vance told Tucker Carlson in 2021, “be it the Democrats, be it our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.” It’s … Continue reading Election 2024: Cats, Childlessness, And The Politics Of Subtraction → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Election 2024: Finally Weird Enough?

Thomas Knapp: “It never got weird enough for me,” says Hunter S. Thompson — or, rather, Bill Murray as Hunter S. Thompson in 1980’s kinda sorta Thompson biopic, Where the Buffalo Roam.  “I moved to the country when the boat got too crowded. Then I learned that President Nixon had been eaten by white cannibals on an … Continue reading Election 2024: Finally Weird Enough? → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Erdogan’s Proposed Islamic Alliance Against Israel Is Pure Demagoguery

Voice of East: Erdogan’s Proposed Islamic Alliance Against Israel Is Pure Demagoguery By Andrew Korybko His strong rhetoric leads to extreme dopamine bursts from those who think that he’s being sincere, but the rush will inevitably wear off once they realize that he’s not,... Read More › - Voice of East
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Would-Be Censors Peddle Yet Another Election Meddle

Thomas Knapp: In early September, the US Department of Justice announced criminal charges against two employees of RT (formerly Russia Today), alleging that the state media outlet “orchestrated a massive scheme to influence the American public by secretly planting and financing a content creation company on U.S. soil.” Separately, DOJ announced its theft (“seizure”) of 32 Internet … Continue reading Would-Be Censors Peddle Yet Another Election Meddle → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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America’s a Maze in Capitalism

Thomas Knapp: Michael Gallagher considers the relatively low inflation rates of the period “from Reagan’s second term through Trump’s” first to be “America’s amazing capitalism” (Queens Chronicle, September 5), sarcastically suggesting that “for 35 years … the robber barons of industry didn’t realize they could set their prices and gouge more money from the American people,” only … Continue reading America’s a Maze in Capitalism → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Ukraine’s Volhynia Genocide Dispute With Poland Is Once Again A Problem In Their Ties

Voice of East: Ukraine’s Volhynia Genocide Dispute With Poland Is Once Again A Problem In Their Ties   Poles fear that their elite will sell out the Volhynia Genocide victims to Ukraine for hubristic geopolitical and economic reasons that’ll result in whitewashing this... Read More › - Voice of East
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There’s Nothing Really New About “Active Listening”

Thomas Knapp: How many times have you casually mentioned buying, say, new curtains to your spouse, then found yourself bombarded with ads for window treatments the next time you opened a new browser tab on your computer? How many times has that kind of thing left you assuming that your phone, smart speaker, etc. are listening in … Continue reading There’s Nothing Really New About “Active Listening” → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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US about to decrease Ukraine aid

According to Western media, Kiev should not expect receiving US long range missiles. Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. - InfoBRICS
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Serbia’s French Warplane Deal Discredits Serbian President’s Earlier Colour Revolution Claim

Voice of East: Serbia’s French Warplane Deal Discredits Serbian President’s Earlier Colour Revolution Claim By Andrew Korybko He wouldn’t have gone through with this $3 billion deal if he really thought that the West was trying to overthrow him like he claimed less than... Read More › - Voice of East
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Marijuana: Your Permission Isn’t Really Necessary

Thomas Knapp: “In Florida,” former and possibly future US president Donald Trump writes on Truth Social, “like so many other States that have already given their approval, personal amounts of marijuana will be legalized for adults with Amendment 3. Whether people like it or not, this will happen through the approval of the Voters, so it should … Continue reading Marijuana: Your Permission Isn’t Really Necessary → - by Thomas L. Knapp
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Poland Finally Maxed Out Its Military Support For Ukraine

Voice of East: Poland Finally Maxed Out Its Military Support For Ukraine By Andrew Korybko Ukraine is now desperate to embroil Poland in a hot war with Russia. Polish President Duda revealed on Monday that his country has already spent a whopping 3.3% of its GDP... Read More › - Voice of East
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